Ardmory Veterinary Clinic
Call us today to make an appointment
We are committed to providing the best facilities for the animals we treat. We have our own operating theatre, dental equipment, diagnostic facilities and in-house laboratory to provide your pet with the best treatment right here in the clinic. We can usually treat most cases within the surgery but also have excellent relationships with specialist vets in areas where we feel they have more expertise.
Health Checks
We don’t just want to see your pet when they are sick! Health checks can be booked for new pets, puppies and kittens, senior pets (over 8 years) or just for peace of mind if you need some advice.
Weight Clinic
Maitaining a suitable weight is very important to ensure your pet stays fit and healthy. An overweight pet has an increased risk of serious diseases such as diabletes, arthritis and heart disease. We can weigh your pet at regular intervals in a free appointment with the nurse who can advise you on your pet's condition, diet and exercise. An appointment with the vet may be required to assess and discuss any health concerns related to your pet's weight.
If your pet is already registered with us we can normally arrange a spay or castration within a few weeks. If we haven’t met your pet before, we will arrange an appointment to give them a health check first.
Parasite Control
It is important that your pet is regularly treated against parasites such as fleas and worms. Registered clients can often collect parasite treatment without a consultation but please call us first to check. We can perform routine parasite investigations in our own laboratory.
Vaccinating your pet is the best way to protect it against a whole range of distressing and possibly fatal diseases. For some viruses there aren't any treatments available so prevention is better than cure.
Puppies and kittens should all have a course of 2 injections in their first few months of life and then receive a booster vaccination annually. If your pet hasn’t had a booster vaccination in a while we may recommend that we restart their vaccine course. We also vaccinate rabbits and ferrets. Call for more information.
We offer a range of surgical procedures for various species within the clinic, such as neutering, soft tissue surgery and orthopaedics. Most animals coming in for scheduled surgical procedures will be admitted in the morning and discharged in the afternoon on the same day. Aftercare advice will be provided - please follow it carefully and call us if you have any concerns or queries. We may ask you to starve your pet overnight before their surgery. Please check with the staff when booking the procedure.

We can microchip your pet here in the surgery, either in a consultation or when they visit for a planned operation. We also stock mini-chips for smaller animals.
If your pet is alread microchipped and your details have changed, please contact the microchip manufacturer to update them.
Dental Care
As with humans, animals need their teeth looked after too. We carry a range of cat and dog toothpastes (as they cannot use flouride toothpastes) and micro-cleaners for you to help them keep their smiles.
Our surgery is well equipped to carry out dental procedures on your pet - from a scale and polish to extractions. A dedicated dental x-ray machine can help us examine the entire tooth including the roots and surrounding tissues to allow to to fully assess any dental problems and provide the best course ot treatment.
Laboratory Services
The in-house laboratory enables us to carry out blood analysis including biochemistry, haematology and hormone monitoring. Our microscopy suite allows us to examine urine and faecal samples and to investigate samples of skin, hair, feathers, ear swabs, growths and discharges quickly and accurately. Some cases will require external laboratory tests to be carried out but our vets will always discuss this with the client.
Diagnostic Imaging
The clinic is equipped with a high frequency x-ray machine, ultrasound scanner, and a range of endoscopy equipment to enable a more thorough examination of your pet and make a diagnosis within the surgery. If we feel a more specialised scan such as CT or MRI may be required we can make arrangements for your animal to be referred for this.
Emergency Care
If your pet is registered with us and requires emergency treatment during our opening hours, please call us immediately.
We will assess their condition from the information you give us and advise of the appropriate treatment or arrange to admit them.
If your pet becomes unwell outwith our opening hours, please contact
NEW! Emergency Vets Glasgow 0141 260 5555 or
VETS NOW on 0141 332 3212
If your pet is not already registered at our practice we may not be able to offer emergency treatment and recommend that you contact your own vet immediately.